Three Key Points for Hydrocolonic Therapy

  • Hydration
    Delivers water safely and comfortably to irrigate the colon.
  • Activation
    Hydration activates peristalsis of the colon.
  • Evacuation
    Peristalsis evacuates the contents of the colon.

Hydrocolonic Therapy is a gravity-fed open design system . It is recommended prior to endoscopic or radiological exams, as a pre- operative preparatory procedure, and for evacuation of an impacted colon. The therapy is safe, simple, and effective.

Hydrocolonic Therapy ushers in a new era for the age-old practice known as colonic irrigation. The system allows purified water to flow from a container through a sterilized nozzle into the rectum in order to cleanse the contents of the colon.

How does it work?

The water tank is filled with warm water, proper temperature ranges between 99- 103⁰ F. The patient rests on top of the ergonomic basin and self-inserts the sterile nozzle into the rectum. Water flow is controlled by gravity and can be activated manually for comfort and control. When ready to end the treatment, patient simply slides back off the nozzle and can fully drain the colon comfortably in the basin. The patient can rinse his/her body using a personal shower sprayer and dry off privately in the Hydrocolonic room.

Who can benefit from Hydrocolonic Therapy?

As part of the digestive tract, the colon aids in digestion and the elimination of waste products. When the colon is packed with accumulated, hardened feces due to poor diet, constipation or some other G.I. problems, waste can build up and result in decay of the fecal material. This decay, in turn, produces a whole host of bacteria and other “toxins” that can be absorbed into the blood stream, resulting in a myriad of illnesses from a simple cold to life threatening coronary artery disease. Therefore anyone and everyone can and should benefit from the Hydrocolonic Therapy.

Reasons for Hydrocolonic Therapy

1. Prior to endoscopic and radiological purposes.

Irrigating the colon immediately before an endoscope saves the patient from having to consume saline solutions and magnesium sulfate drinks, all of which make for an uncomfortable night of sleep prior to the procedure.

Research has shown most patients don’t consume the necessary amount of the drinks and actually detest the preparatory solutions, not the endoscope. Procedures can be prescribed and executed within an hour with the use of colon hydrotherapy.

Not only does this save time for the doctor it is safer and less traumatic for the patient. Most patients find the colon hydrotherapy session liberating and enjoy a sense of well being afterwards.

2. Other medical reasons.

Stress, poor diet and lack of water are at the heart of constipation and fecal impaction of the colon. Millions of people yearly suffer from back up of the bowel and seek symptomatic remedy through laxatives or purgatives, which can irritate the lining of the bowel and create swings in bowel performance.

Cleaning out the bowel through colon irrigation with the simplicity of clean water affords the patient relief without negative side effects. Bowel training also occurs through strengthening the muscular performance of the bowel. This provides the doctor and clinic staff an opportunity to instruct the patient on useful lifestyle habits in stress management, nourishing and healthy bulk producing diets, as well as the use of more water in the diet.

3. Anti- Aging purposes.

More and more doctors on the forefront of anti-aging are realizing that cellular health is a function of nourishing cells with predominately alkaline-forming quality foods and assisting the cell to empty its wastes. By-products of cellular metabolism are acid compounds that MUST leave the body.

Otherwise these wastes damage tissues, invite bacterial proliferation, viral distribution, and fungal growth to name just a few problems. This scenario challenges the body’s immunity and well being. Wastes are emptied into the alkaline-stable bloodstream to be carried out of the body through excretory channels. The largest repository of waste in the body is the colon. When the colon is not eliminating effectively over some period of time (due to reasons stated above, stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of water), the resulting recycling of microscopic waste material occurs through the colon wall through the portal vein into the liver.

This unnecessarily burdens the entire body and all its organ systems, which are interconnected. Eighty percent of the blood that goes into the liver is from the digestive tract and is venous blood. The largest concentration of lymph nodes is concentrated in the abdominal cavity surrounding the small and large intestine. Is it any wonder? This is where the largest concentration of septic (causing putrefaction) wastes is located.

Removing this waste by colon irrigation relieves this burden on the system (providing an antiseptic environment) and allows the innate intelligence of the body to harmonize quicker. Homeostasis, immunity, and general well being are more easily achieved. Those who have not been well for any reason can testify to the validity of the immediate positive effects on the entire system and sense of well being after receiving colon irrigation.

When cells are nourished and wastes emptied, then cellular health and cellular reproduction are better and thus the positive effects on anti-aging.

Dr. Maria Sulindro M.D. in Pasadena, California, uses the Angel of Water in her Anti-Aging clinic, concurs:

Nourish with real food, cleanse with water, and provide the other co-factors of creation such as clean air and adequate sunlight and we can experience the vital life balance!

Contraindications for Hydrocolonic Therapy

  • Carcinoma of the rectum
  • Cirrhosis
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Recent colon or rectal surgery
  • First and last trimester of pregnancy

“Colon health is the most neglected and forgotten part of the body. Colon health emphasizes prevention rather than the cure. It is the most important step in maintaining or regaining vital health.”
Norman w. Walker, D.Sc.

“As long as we continue to assume that the colon will take care of itself, just that long will we remain in complete ignorance of perhaps the most important source of ill health in the whole body.”
Dr. James A Wiltsie, M.D.

Hydrocolonic Therapy F.A.Q.

Do the treatments hurt?

No in fact many people report their colon hydrotherapy sessions as being both refreshing and relaxing.

How does a hydrocolonic therapy session compare to an enema?

An enema only reaches the rectum and lower part of the colon, where the hydrocolonic therapy reaches the entire length of the colon consequently being much more effective.

Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleansing?

Usually not, but everyone is different. Some report a slight feeling of tiredness, but this is similar to the feeling you have after exercising vigorously.

Will I be left alone during the hydrocolonic therapy session?

No. A hydrocolonic therapist will be monitoring you throughout the session for both your comfort and safety.

Patients are accepted either by self referral or by physician referral. Patients are evaluated by our staff and treated based on their specific needs.